Friday, December 28, 2007

Free water. One simple Step.

Have you ever considered that there is a free water source for watering your plants during the summer? There is. It is called your shower water. I'll bet that every day you turn on the shower water, let it run until it gets warm, then you get in. Ever think of how much water goes down that drain? It amazed me when I stuck a 5 gallon bucket under the shower faucet about 5 summers ago. Each day I collected a few gallons of water while the shower warmed up. I used that water on my plants outside during the heat of summer.

Free water? You are throwing that water away while waiting for your shower to heat up. You pay for the water to give your yard/plants a drink. Why not use the water you are already paying for? Collect shower water it in a bucket and use it to water your yard. You'll be amazed how much water and money you save...

1 comment:

:p said...

CJ. Oh wise one, as you have taught me many lessons, I must ask. Is the water really free or are you just being more efficient with your water that you will have to pay for later?
Oh and you blogging, I like it.